It means Beauty or Beautiful...

Marilyn's Motto..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I went to IMM!!!

Well its been many years since i went to IMM and boy did it change alot...Any way there is a huge Daiso(the everything $2SGD shop)there and my mother was so excited and took 2 big baskets of stuff until our total bill was $188SGD...My sis calculated and we bought 94 items!!!I mean don't underestimate the power of $2SGD and think that it is a small amount...actually it can add up till alot...ok i am going to show you some pics of the stuff that i got from Daiso as we already separated our goods among ourselves...this is my portion of stuff...

Well the stuff that i am so happy to get the most is my Hello Kitty lamp from IMM!!!Actually my mum wanted to get for me the Hello Kitty piggy bank and end up i and my sis saw the lamp so my mum decided to get both lamps for us and upon paying at the cashier she also got one lamp for herself...luckily the lamp is only $ our total expenditure of the three lamps will be.... 16.90 x 3= $50.70???

Well i got this file holder in neon pink!!!its only at 4.95SGD damn cheap right???i bought this in popular(just telling you guys in case you are interested to know where i got it...)

My pink strawberry nails!!!

Any way here are pics of the stuff that i used for my favourite fruit STRAWBERRYstrawberry Pictures, Images and Photos!!!!!!

So how do you find my strawberry nails???

I actually got this inspiration by a sales girl working at skin food and i was so excited to get strawberry nails!!So i search the net on how to do strawberry nails and i found this video in youtube...

Any way i replace the red colour to hot pink as i am not supposed to have redRED RED DRAGON Pictures, Images and Photos = 火(which means fire)nails because due to my superstition you know the usual chinese feng shui thingy whereby they have the 金木水火土Chinese Five Elements Pictures, Images and Photos(the five elements -gold/wood/water/fire/earth)???i am supposed to fall under the category of gold that's why i couldn't choose red as fire will burn my gold away...hehe for those people who don't believe,i know it sounds kinda silly but believe it or not,i went against my faith and use fire engine red on my nails before and i got a fever on the exact same day!!!so some times must listen to the teachings of the old people right?hehe...i hope you like my post!!

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